failure 60:

Requirement failed: {llrintf.10.01.01;llrintf.05;llrintf.06;llrintf.07;llrintf.08;llrintf.09} Function executed successfully with EOK error code, while `model_error == true` means that EDOM SHALL be set
trace /var/opt/lsb/test/olver-core/2013-07-25_08-37-08/math_real_scenario.utz (math_real_scenario.utt), line 3495
scenario math_real_scenario
specification function llrint_spec()
parameter value  CallContext context = [pid=22148,thr=b74f9700]
parameter value  Unifloat * @x = (float) NaN
parameter value  Unifloat * x = (float) NaN
parameter value  ErrorCode * @errno = EOK
parameter value  ErrorCode * errno = EOK
return value  (LLongT) -9223372036854775808
& branch
x is NaN
REQ failed llrintf.05
REQ failed llrintf.06
REQ failed llrintf.07
REQ failed llrintf.08
REQ failed llrintf.09
REQ failed llrintf.10.01.01
similar known bug(s)
The llrint() family of functions shall round their argument to the nearest integer value, rounding according to the current rounding direction. According to LSB, if argument is NaN, +Inf, -Inf, or the correct value is not representable as an integer then the functions shall set EDOM error code. But on the target machine, the functions set error code EOK instead of EDOM in these cases.